Gadgets in the Marvel Multiverse RPG
Currently there are no rules for building gadgets in the Marvel Multiverse game. I assume this will be a power set in the full game, but I want any of my players to be able to make and use them. …
Currently there are no rules for building gadgets in the Marvel Multiverse game. I assume this will be a power set in the full game, but I want any of my players to be able to make and use them. …
So, the new Marvel RPG is out (or at least the open playtest is). It’s… okay. I don’t think it does anything massively innovative in the field of superhero game design, but it is serviceable and there a few interesting …
I was hoping to have a Dark Horizon battle report for you last week, but unfortunately I have come down with COVID and have been isolating. So instead, lets take a look at our upcoming science fiction skirmish miniatures game; …
Today I am going to introduce you all to a game that is perhaps not as well known as it should be, Dark Horizon: Escape. Dark Horizon was released in 1996 by Advanced Primate Entertainment; their first game as far …
As announced earlier, we are working on a new edition of Backswords & Bucklers that will be based on a new core system no longer tied to an existing license; and containing all the expansion material that was intended for …
Backswords & Bucklers Revised and Compleat Preview: Character Creation Read more »